Monday, November 15, '21
4:00 PM UTC
- Let's build a dense view of the activity schedule. This view would primarily be used during an event and would be able to search by@svelte@javascriptPair ProgramingTHATtailwindcss
5:00 PM UTC
- You always see articles and blogs written about being a good mentor, but does the mentee actually have to do anything other than be openmentorshipProfessional GrowthPersonal GrowthBridging the Gap
8:00 PM UTC
- Have you ever stumbled across an NPM module that made you think "where you have been all my life?" Let's get a list of thosenode.jjavascriptnpmmodulecommunity
9:00 PM UTC
- Let's fix some accessibility issues on As an open source platform, anyone can contribute issues or pull requests to tackle some of the