Tuesday, July 26, '22
6:00 PM UTC
- androidkotlinjetpackjetpack composemobile apps
9:00 PM UTC
- Giving adults permission to enjoy breaks from work. Show why hobbies are essential for our creativity and innovation.creativeinnovationhobbyplayproblem solving
Thursday, September 15, '22
3:00 PM UTC
- Let's talk about that "black art" cryptography. We'll talk algorithms, techniques, pracitcal uses, etc.SecurityCryptography
- MobX is a battle tested library that makes state management simple and scalable by transparently applying functional reactive programming. It involves far less boilerplate than
- The web3 ecosystem is growing, and recent innovations in blockchain technology have shown that these frameworks are here to stay. But what exactly is web3ethereumblockchainjavascriptsolidity
3:30 PM UTC
- The world of machine learning frameworks is complex. What if we can use the lightest framework for inferencing on edge devices? Thatโs the idea behindaijavascript
- You are smart and have some great answers. Helping other people with those answers can be tough. It's not uncommon for people like us to getConsultingFailingSelf-AwarenessEffective FeedbackListening
- If you're like the rest of the world, you played at least a few games of chess after binge watching The Queen's Gambit. Beth Harmon
4:45 PM UTC
6:00 PM UTC
- How to take control of your life to maximize your effectiveness and achieve a better work-life balancetime managementproductivityprofessional development
- Keeping your application online *no matter what*, especially the data layer, requires a lot of tertiary knowledge. Let's talk about what we should know inHigh AvailabilityClustersConcepts
- geolocationnavigationAPIsnode.jsjavascript
- Learn how to add SMS, Voice, and Video to your applications.AzureVoiceSMSVideo
- Consider if you are passionate about what you do as well as your livable future before making the decision to quit.job searchfreelancewfhwork from home
6:30 PM UTC
- In the DevOps world, much is made of automation & reducing toil. However, few engineers take advantage at the closest point of friction: the humbleshelloptimizationux
7:00 PM UTC
- PerformanceJavaScriptWeb AppPWA
7:30 PM UTC
- How do you do unit tests? Let's discuss how we decide what to test and what we get out of it.testingunit testingcode qualityautomated testing
- During this session, I will cover the basics of Cross Functional teams, provide a deep dive into transition plans and discuss struggles this concept
- This will be an introduction to using Azure pipelines to build, test, sign, and deploy NuGet packages.NuGetPipelineDevOpsActionsAzure
- Discuss ways to utilize containers during the development process to reduce onboarding time, limit dependencies, and allow for more flexibility.containersdevelopmentkubernetes
9:00 PM UTC
- Accessibility is a growing concern in the developer community, but the question of "Why" still lingers in the air. Why should a developer care about
- Time to share screens and get to work. I'm going to be working on that.us and if you want to learn a bit about svelte,@sveltepair programming
9:30 PM UTC
- Hacktoberfest is coming up. Does that fill you with excitement, terror, fatigue, or a combination of these feelings? What is the point of Hacktoberfest?open-sourcehacktoberfestpreptember
10:00 PM UTC
- Come hang out and meet a few new folks, tell a few tails.networkingsocial